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What Can Artificial Intelligence Do for You?

Can Artificial intelligence deliver for municipal bond analysts? The answer is a resounding yes!

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People & Places: Ginny Housum, UMB Bank Honored at Smith's High Yield Conference

Ginny Housum, Senior Vice President, municipal bond workout specialist at UMB Bank in Minneapolis accepted Smith's High Yield Lifetime Achievement Award at Smith's High Yield Municipal Bond Conference.

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ESG is Here to Stay (Part Two)

We're seeing a continued growth of ESG investment globally and more specifically, the growth of ESG portfolios within the Muni Bond Market. Incorporating environmental performance and governance standards should be used as risk reduction tools in the investment decision process and in monitoring bond performance.

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A Farewell to Froehlich

Smith's Cadre of Affordable Housing Finance is sad to announce the passing of Richard Froehlich, First Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the New York City Housing Development Corporation.

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Robust Demand for Taxable and Tax Exempt Municipals Bonds Will Fuel Issuance in 2021

We have reached the point where interest rates have become sufficiently low that the viability of issuing taxable municipal bonds to refund higher coupon tax-exempt bonds in an issuer’s capital structure has become an active strategy.

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S&P Outlook 2021

S&P Global Public Finance launched the 2021 Credit Calendar with its Outlook for State and Local Governments. From a credit standpoint, state and local governments have navigated and led through significant challenges over time, and S&P expects this to continue.

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Fitch on Transportation

2020 was a year unlike any other due to the devastating impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, with no infrastructure asset being hit harder than demand-based transportation, according to Fitch on their 2021 US Transportation Outlook webinar.

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One Team

Congratulations to the analysts elected to receive the great and important honor of belonging to Smith's All-Star Analysts Team in 2020. Even if awards and accolades are presented by presidents and kings, none will be more important than the 2020 All-Star Municipal Analyst Award.

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Treasury Secretary to Close COVID-19 Lending Facilities

On Thursday, November 19, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin sent a letter to Fed Chair Powell indicating that he would be allowing most of the Fed's 13(3) emergency lending facilities to expire at year-end, and requesting that the Fed "return unused funds to the Treasury" in order for Congress to "re-appropriate $455 billion, consisting of $429 billion in excess Treasury funds for the Federal Reserve facilities and $26 billion in unused Treasury direct loan funds."

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Newsmaker Profile: Robin Prunty

In a survey of readers, Smith's Research & Gradings asked about people who have done a great job during this Coronavirus crisis. Robin Prunty, Managing Director, Head of Analytics and Research at S&P Global Ratings came up a number of times, prompting our conversation with her.

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